- Author: Aaron Gadberry
- Filename: Keychains1.java
Keychains for Sale
Write a program that pulls up a menu with 4 options. It should look something like...
Ye Olde Keychain Shoppe
1. Add Keychains to Order
2. Remove Keychains from Order
3. View Current Order
4. Checkout
Please enter your choice: 1
1. Add Keychains to Order
2. Remove Keychains from Order
3. View Current Order
4. Checkout
Please enter your choice: 3
1. Add Keychains to Order
2. Remove Keychains from Order
3. View Current Order
4. Checkout
Please enter your choice: 4
- You will need to create functions for each of the 4 menu
options. Entering the number will call the correct function.
- This assignment does not require you to complete ANY of the
functionality except for the working menu system. There is no need
for you to program the ability to add keychains, remove keychains,
view orders or checkout.
- The functions should be named add_keychains(), remove_keychains(), view_order() and checkout().
- Each function should print a message that it has been called.
- The user should be able to keep putting in choices until
the checkout() function is called. When checkout() is finished,
the program should end.
©2013 Graham Mitchell
This assignment is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.