- Author: Graham Mitchell
- Filename: PokeSwap.java
- Download the following code, and get it to compile.
What You Should See
U:\My Documents\CompSci\>java PokeSwap
Misty sent out STARMIE!
HP [================]
What will PIKACHU do?
1. Fight
2. Swap Pokemon
3. Run
Files Needed
What You Should Do on Your Own
Assignments turned in without these things will receive
no credit.
- Write code where indicated that exchanges Pikachu (slot 0)
with Gyarados (slot 3). Make sure the code works in such a way
that it would still swap slot 0 with slot 3, no matter what values
were in there to begin with. You'll need to create an extra String variable.
©2013 Graham Mitchell
This assignment is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.