Sorting Records on Two Fields

Make a record to store information about a student's grades. It should contain fields for:

I have provided a file filled with grade information. You should create an array of records with 30 slots. Read the contents of the file into the array of records.

Then, rearrange the array so that grades are sorted by grade number within student and display the sorted contents.

Open which file: gb.txt

Data loaded.
Data sorted.

Here are the sorted grades:
	171 1 47 F
	171 2 64 D
	171 3 86 B
	171 4 26 F
	171 5 78 C
	171 6 70 C
	679 1 32 F
	679 2 41 F
	679 3 29 F
	679 4 21 F
	679 5 32 F
	679 6 70 F
	819 1 53 F
	819 2 70 C
	819 3 66 D
	819 4 73 C
	819 5 43 F
	819 6 37 F
	884 1 57 F
	884 2 81 B
	884 3 35 F
	884 4 44 F
	884 5 38 F
	884 6 34 F
	938 1 57 F
	938 2 65 D
	938 3 53 F
	938 4 28 F
	938 5 52 F
	938 6 43 F

©2013 Graham Mitchell

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