Choose Your Own Adventure!

Make a short "Choose Your Own Adventure" game. The starting room should give the user two choices. Then the second room they travel to should give them two more choices. Finally the third room should give them two choices.

This means your game will have eight possible "endings". Your game will also have a total of fifteen rooms:

        _ R1 _
       /      \
    R2          R3
   /  \        /  \
 R4    R5    R6    R7
 /\    /\    /\    /\
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8

You must use nested if statements to do this.


You are in a creepy house!  Would you like to go "upstairs" or into the
> kitchen

There is a long countertop with dirty dishes everywhere.  Off to one side
there is, as you'd expect, a refrigerator. You may open the "refrigerator"
or look in a "cabinet".
> refrigerator

Inside the refrigerator you see food and stuff.  It looks pretty nasty.
Would you like to eat some of the food? ("yes" or "no")
> no

You die of starvation... eventually.

©2017 Graham Mitchell