Ask the user for several pieces of information, and display them on the screen afterward as a summary.
You must use the most appropriate type for each variable and not just String
s for everything.
Please enter the following information so I can sell it for a profit!
First name: Helena
Last name: Bonham-Carter
Grade (9-12): 12
Student ID: 453916
Login: bonham_453916
GPA (0.0-4.0): 3.73
Your information:
Login: bonham_453916
ID: 453916
Name: Bonham-Carter, Helena
GPA: 3.73
Grade: 12
Of course, if you run the program again and type in different names, the output should be different:
Please enter the following information so I can sell it for a profit!
First name: Bryan
Last name: Cranston
Grade (9-12): 11
Student ID: 808404
Login: cranston_808404
GPA (0.0-4.0): 4.0
Your information:
Login: cranston_808404
ID: 808404
Name: Cranston, Bryan
GPA: 4.0
Grade: 11
because String
s can hold any symbol: letters or digits.
©2017 Graham Mitchell