Some of the above material was influenced heavily by the April 29, 1996 issue of US News and World Report (, entitled "Taming the Internet", starting on page 60. Other information was taken from the 3rd edition of Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I, by Doug Comer, pages 2 and 4. The rest (and overwhelming majority of material) just comes from classes or my own experience. I am only human; you should take everything here with a grain of salt.
The web is a dynamic place, and the older this document gets, the more likely it becomes that the links listed within will no longer be valid. Though I try to revise this document occasionally to avoid obviously dated information, I don't have the time to try and chase down broken links. If you find a broken link and manage to find the correct new location, I may make the change if you send both URLs to me. Pre-written HTML (suitable for cutting and pasting) is also extraordinarily helpful.
I have intentionally suppressed/ignored some detail in this discussion. For example, I purposely didn't mention IP addresses, DNS, or routing algorithms. I also am aware that not all Internet traffic uses TCP; UDP is also used. However, given the intended scope of this paper, it is my opinion that such details would only serve to unnecessarily confuse things. This packet was designed for the computer user with virtually no Internet experience. If you would have preferred to have seen these things included, mail me about it; convince me.
The following books are good sources for more information on the Internet or writing HTML (for setting up your own Web page). Since I learned most of my stuff by trial-and-error or in the classroom, I don't actually own any of these books and have only looked through them a bit. They are listed in order from best to good (I didn't list any bad books).
"How to Use the Internet - Second Edition" by Marietta Tretter Ziff Davis Press 250p $19.95 "The Internet Unleashed" Sams.Net Publishing 1400p $49.95 (w/CDROM) "Using the Internet with Windows 95" Que 375p $24.99 (w/disk) "The Internet for Dummies - Third Edition" IDG Books 380p $19.99
"Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML in 14 Days, the Premier Edition" by Laura Lemay Sams.Net Publishing 800p $39.99 (w/CDROM)
Here's what people have told me about Laura Lemay's book:
"This is 'for professionals', but is very readable."
"It is excellent. Concise, and easy-to-follow."
I also understand that this book combines two previous editions and comes with a CD-ROM "chock full of tools and examples."
HTML : The definitive guide O'Reilly and Associates 380p $27.95 "HTML for Dummies" IDG Books 425p $29.99
Well, that's it. I hope this helped. Always remember that Jesus died and came back to life to pay the penalty for the world's disobedience, so you could have a relationship with a God who loves you very much, and that that is the good news (gospel) which He has entrusted to us. Be a good steward of the hope and truth He has given you, and thanks for reading.
Introduction · Uses of the Internet · Getting On the Net · What To Do With It · Recommended Reading