- Author: Aaron Gadberry
- Filename: Keychains2.java
Keychains for Sale, for real this time
Okay, now it is time to make the
keychain shop actually work.
Ye Olde Keychain Shoppe
1. Add Keychains to Order
2. Remove Keychains from Order
3. View Current Order
4. Checkout
Please enter your choice: 1
You have 0 keychains. How many to add? 3
You now have 3 keychains.
1. Add Keychains to Order
2. Remove Keychains from Order
3. View Current Order
4. Checkout
Please enter your choice: 2
You have 3 keychains. How many to remove? 1
You now have 2 keychains.
1. Add Keychains to Order
2. Remove Keychains from Order
3. View Current Order
4. Checkout
Please enter your choice: 3
You have 2 keychains.
Keychains cost $10 each.
Total cost is $20.
1. Add Keychains to Order
2. Remove Keychains from Order
3. View Current Order
4. Checkout
Please enter your choice: 4
What is your name? Biff
You have 2 keychains.
Keychains cost $10 each.
Total cost is $20.
Thanks for your order, Biff!
- You will need 2 new variables in main, one to store the
current number of keychains, and one to store the price per
- The price should be $10 per keychain.
- add_keychains() will need to be passed one int, and have a
return type of int. It will ask the user for the number of keychains
to add to the order, and then return the new number of keychains.
- remove_keychains() will need to be passed one int, and
have a return type of int. It will ask the user for the number
of keychains to remove from the order, and then return the new
number of keychains.
- view_order() will need to be passed two ints, and have a
return type of void. It will display, on three different lines,
the number of keychains in the order, the price per keychain,
and the total cost of the order.
- checkout() will need to be passed two ints, and have a
return type of void. It will ask the user for his/her name in
order to deliver them correctly, display the order information,
and then thank the user, by name, for ordering.
©2013 Graham Mitchell
This assignment is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.