Computer Science I

Assignments   Scoreboard

6th Six-Weeks

There are 16 class days in the 6th Six-Weeks.

Take the Final Exam.

If you went to my concert, please turn in your tickets to me and fill out the Mitchell Concert Form.

CS-1 points needed

2200 points S rank 100% 71.9 points per day
1600 points A 90% 53.1 points per day
1000 points B 80% 34.4 points per day
600 points C 70% 21.9 points per day
below 600 points is failing

5th Six-Weeks

There are 17 class days in the 5th Six-Weeks.

CS-1 points needed

1050 points S rank 100% 62 points per day
750 points A 90% 44 points per day
450 points B 80% 27 points per day
250 points C 70% 15 points per day
below 250 points is failing

4th Six-Weeks

There are 16 class days in the 4th Six-Weeks, including February conference. This is the last grading cycle of Java.

CS-1 points needed

3400 points S rank 100% 75.0 points per day
2300 points A 90% 46.9 points per day
1600 points B 80% 34.4 points per day
1080 points C 70% 25.0 points per day
below 1080 points is failing

3rd Six-Weeks

There are 12 class days in the 3rd Six-Weeks, including Thanksgiving and semester exams.

Take the Midterm Exam.

CS-1 points needed - tentative

2200 points S rank 100% 80.0 points per day
1550 points A 90% 57.5 points per day
1050 points B 80% 40.8 points per day
680 points C 70% 28.8 points per day
below 680 points is failing

2nd Six-Weeks

There are 12 class days in the 2nd Six-Weeks, including the PSAT Testing day.

CS-1 points needed

1240 points S rank 100% 53.3 points per day
860 points A 90% 37.1 points per day
560 points B 80% 24.6 points per day
335 points C 70% 15.4 points per day
below 335 points is failing

1st Six-Weeks

There are 15 class days in the 1st Six-Weeks, including the early-release day.

CS-1 points needed

600 points S rank 100% 50.0 points per day
415 points A 90% 34.6 points per day
265 points B 80% 22.1 points per day
150 points C 70% 12.5 points per day
below 150 points is failing