Assignments for Computer Science I

4th Six-Weeks

There are 16 class days in the 4th Six-Weeks.

CS-1 points needed

3400 points S rank 100% 75.0 points per day
2300 points A 90% 46.9 points per day
1600 points B 80% 34.4 points per day
1080 points C 70% 25.0 points per day
below 1080 points is failing

 ↧ (12 assignments hidden)
 ↥    Basics and Printing - 9 assignments, 81 points
 ↥ 1Basics and PrintingCompiler Check3 points
 ↥ 2MiscellaneousCreate an Account5 points
 ↥ 3Basics and PrintingCompiling Practice  - code provided3 points
 ↥ 4Basics and PrintingLearn Java the Hard Way: An Important Message (FirstProg)  - code provided5 points
 ↥ 5Basics and PrintingLearn Java the Hard Way: More Printing (GasolineReceipt)  - code provided7 points
 ↥ 6Basics and PrintingA Letter to Yourself7 points
 ↥ 7Basics and PrintingYour Initials6 points
 ↥ 8Basics and PrintingLearn Java the Hard Way: Printing Choices  - code provided8 points
 ↥ 9Basics and PrintingLearn Java the Hard Way: Escape Sequences and Comments (EscapeSequencesComments)  - code provided12 points
 ↥ 10Basics and PrintingEscape Sequence Challenge30 points
 ↥    Variables - 10 assignments, 121 points
 ↥ 11VariablesLearn Java the Hard Way: Saving Information in Variables (CreatingVariables)  - code provided10 points
 ↥ 12VariablesUsing Variables10 points
 ↥ 13VariablesGraduation Sentence with Variables7 points
 ↥ 14VariablesYour Schedule15 points
 ↥ 15VariablesLearn Java the Hard Way: Mathematical Operations (MathOperations)  - code provided12 points
 ↥    Keyboard Input - 6 assignments, 106 points
 ↥ 16Keyboard InputLearn Java the Hard Way: Getting Input from a Human (ForgetfulMachine)  - code provided12 points
 ↥ 17Keyboard InputLearn Java the Hard Way: Storing the Human's Responses (RudeQuestions)  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 18Keyboard InputMore User Input of Data16 points
 ↥ 19Keyboard InputAge in Five Years18 points
 ↥ 20Keyboard InputA Dumb Calculator20 points
 ↥ 21Keyboard InputLearn Java the Hard Way: Calculations with User Input (BMICalculator)  - code providedby Joel Holliman25 points
 ↥ 22VariablesLearn Java the Hard Way: Variables Only Hold Values (Sequencing)  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 23VariablesCardio Zone Unscramble  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 24VariablesLearn Java the Hard Way: Variable Modification Shortcuts (VariableChangeShortcuts)  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 25VariablesLearn Java the Hard Way: Boolean Expressions  - code provided12 points
 ↥    Strings - 5 assignments, 145 points
 ↥ 26StringsLearn Java the Hard Way: Comparing Strings (WeaselOrNot)  - code provided10 points
 ↥ 27VariablesLearn Java the Hard Way: Compound Boolean Expressions (ShallowGrandmother)  - code provided10 points
 ↥    If Statements - 17 assignments, 430 points
 ↥ 28If StatementsLearn Java the Hard Way: Making Decisions with If Statements (AgeMessages)  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 29If StatementsLearn Java the Hard Way: More If Statements (ComparingNumbers)  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 30If StatementsSpace Boxing30 points
 ↥ 31If StatementsLearn Java the Hard Way: Otherwise (If Statements with Else) (ClubBouncer)  - code provided10 points
 ↥ 32StringsLearn Java the Hard Way: If Statements with Strings (SecretWord)  - code provided10 points
 ↥ 33If StatementsA Little Quiz40 points
 ↥ 34If StatementsLearn Java the Hard Way: Mutual Exclusion with Chains of If and Else (BMICategories)  - code provided25 points
 ↥ 35If StatementsLearn Java the Hard Way: More Chains of Ifs and Else (CollegeAdmission)  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 36If StatementsHow Old Are You, Specifically?20 points
 ↥ 37If StatementsWeekday Name  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 38If StatementsModulus Animation  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 39If StatementsLearn Java the Hard Way: Nested If Statements (GenderTitles)  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 40If StatementsTwenty Questions... well, actually just Two35 points
 ↥ 41If StatementsChoose Your Own Short Adventure!60 points
 ↥ 42If StatementsAge Messages 325 points
 ↥ 43If StatementsTwo More Questions35 points
 ↥ 44MiscellaneousLearn Java the Hard Way: Making Decisions with a Big Switch (ThirtyDays)  - code provided30 points
 ↥ 45StringsLearn Java the Hard Way: More String Comparisons (DictionaryOrder)  - code provided30 points
 ↥ 46StringscompareTo() Challenge35 points
 ↥ 47If StatementsAlphabetical Order30 points
 ↥ 48If StatementsThe Worst Number-Guessing Game Ever15 points
 ↥    Random Numbers - 9 assignments, 205 points
 ↥ 49Random NumbersLearn Java the Hard Way: Choosing Numbers Randomly (RandomNumbers)  - code provided25 points
 ↥ 50Random NumbersMagic 8-Ball™  - code provided10 points
 ↥ 51Random NumbersA Number-Guessing Game20 points
 ↥ 52Random NumbersFake Powerball35 points
 ↥ 53Random NumbersFortune Cookie15-25 points
 ↥ 54Random NumbersDice25 points
 ↥ 55Random NumbersOne Shot Hi-Lo35 points
 ↥ 56Random NumbersThree-Card Monte20 points
 ↥    While Loops - 15 assignments, 650 points
 ↥ 57While LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: Repeating Yourself using a While Loop (EnterPIN)  - code provided30 points
 ↥ 58While LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: A Number-Guessing Game (HighLow)  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 59While LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: Infinite Loops (KeepGuessing)  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 60While LoopsDice Doubles45 points
 ↥ 61While LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: Using Loops for Error-Checking (SafeSquareRoot)  - code provided30 points
 ↥ 62While LoopsCounting with a While Loop  - code provided25-35 points
 ↥ 63While LoopsPIN Lockout  - code provided10 points
 ↥ 64While LoopsNumber-Guessing with a Counter40 points
 ↥ 65While LoopsHi-Lo with Limited Tries55 points
 ↥ 66While LoopsReverse Hi-Lo75 points
 ↥    Do-While Loops - 8 assignments, 230 points
 ↥ 67Do-While LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: Do-While Loops (CoinFlip)  - code provided35 points
 ↥ 68Do-While LoopsDo-While Swimming  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 69Do-While LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: Adding Values One at a Time (RunningTotal)  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 70Do-While LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: Adding Values for a Dice Game (PigDiceComputer)  - code provided25 points
 ↥ 71Do-While LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: The Dice Game Called 'Pig' (PigDice)  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 72Do-While LoopsShorter Double Dice40 points
 ↥ 73Do-While LoopsAgain with the Number-Guessing35 points
 ↥ 74While LoopsRight Triangle Checker65 points
 ↥ 75While LoopsCollatz Sequence30-60 points
 ↥ 76While LoopsShort Adventure 2: With a Loop75 points
 ↥ 77While LoopsBaby Nim60 points
 ↥ 78While LoopsProject: Nim70-185 points
 ↥    Functions - 23 assignments, 1220 points
 ↥ 79FunctionsLearn Java the Hard Way: Calling a Function (ThereAndBackAgain)  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 80FunctionsPicture Menu  - code provided10 points
 ↥ 81FunctionsFlicker Phrase  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 82FunctionsLearn Java the Hard Way: Calling Functions to Draw a Flag (OverlyComplexFlag)  - code provided50 points
 ↥ 83FunctionsLearn Java the Hard Way: Displaying Dice with Functions (YachtDice)  - code provided35 points
 ↥ 84FunctionsLearn Java the Hard Way: Returning a Value from a Function (HeronsFormula)  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 85FunctionsDistance Formula  - code provided50 points
 ↥ 86FunctionsLearn Java the Hard Way: Areas of Shapes (Shape Area)  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 87FunctionsLearn Java the Hard Way: Thirty Days Revisited with Javadoc (ThirtyDaysFunctions)  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 88MiscellaneousLearn Java the Hard Way: Importing Standard Libraries (PasswordDigest)  - code provided20 points
 ↥    File Input and Output - 13 assignments, 620 points
 ↥ 89File Input and OutputLearn Java the Hard Way: Programs That Write to Files (ReceiptRevisited)  - code provided25 points
 ↥ 90File Input and OutputHigh Score40 points
 ↥ 91File Input and OutputLearn Java the Hard Way: Getting Data from a File (GettingFromFile)  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 92File Input and OutputSimple File Input40 points
 ↥ 93File Input and OutputSumming Three Numbers from a File50 points
 ↥ 94File Input and OutputSumming Three Numbers from Any File65 points
 ↥ 95File Input and OutputLearn Java the Hard Way: Getting ALL the Data from a File (GettingWholeFile)  - code provided30 points
 ↥ 96File Input and OutputDisplaying a File60 points
 ↥ 97File Input and OutputSumming Several Numbers from Any File60 points
 ↥ 98File Input and OutputSimple Web Input  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 99File Input and OutputLearn Java the Hard Way: Saving a High Score (CoinFlipSaved)  - code provided50 points
 ↥    For Loops - 14 assignments, 350 points
 ↥ 100For LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: Counting with a For Loop (CountingFor)  - code provided25 points
 ↥ 101For LoopsTen Times15 points
 ↥ 102For LoopsCounting Machine20 points
 ↥ 103For LoopsCounting Machine Revisited25 points
 ↥ 104For LoopsCounting by Halves20 points
 ↥ 105For LoopsXs and Ys15 points
 ↥ 106For LoopsNoticing Even Numbers30 points
 ↥ 107For LoopsFizz Buzz40 points
 ↥ 108StringsLearn Java the Hard Way: Looping Through a String (CaesarCipher)  - code provided60 points
 ↥ 109For LoopsLetter at a Time  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 110File Input and OutputA Little Puzzle75 points
 ↥ 111File Input and OutputVowel Capitalization90 points
 ↥ 112For LoopsFor Loop Challenge40 points
 ↥ 113For LoopsAdding Values with a For Loop30 points
 ↥ 114For LoopsA Refresher20 points
 ↥ 115For LoopsRefresher Challenge20 points
 ↥    Nested Loops - 10 assignments, 605 points
 ↥ 116Nested LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: Nested For Loops (Nesting Loops)  - code provided30 points
 ↥ 117Nested LoopsOdometer Loops  - code provided25 points
 ↥ 118Nested LoopsBasic Nested Loops30 points
 ↥ 119For LoopsDisplaying Some Multiples30 points
 ↥ 120Nested LoopsMultiplication Table65 points
 ↥ 121Nested LoopsLearn Java the Hard Way: Generating and Filtering Values (FarmerBrown)  - code provided35 points
 ↥ 122Nested LoopsNumber Puzzle I60 points
 ↥ 123Nested LoopsGetting Individual Digits80 points
 ↥ 124Nested LoopsMore Number Puzzles100 points
 ↥ 125Nested LoopsNumber Puzzles III: Armstrong Numbers90 points
 ↥ 126Nested LoopsNumber Puzzles IV: A New Hope90 points
 ↥    Project Euler - 21 assignments, 1815 points
 ↥ 127Project EulerProject Euler 031 - English Currency Combinations100 points
 ↥    Arrays - 23 assignments, 1810 points
 ↥ 128ArraysLearn Java the Hard Way: Arrays - Many Values in a Single Variable (ArrayIntro)  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 129ArraysLearn Java the Hard Way: Finding Things in an Array (ArrayLinearSearch)  - code provided35 points
 ↥ 130ArraysLearn Java the Hard Way: Saying Something Is NOT in an Array (ItemNotFound)  - code provided35 points
 ↥ 131ArraysLearn Java the Hard Way: Arrays Without Foreach Loops (ArraySlotAccess)  - code provided50 points
 ↥ 132ArraysBasic Arrays 020 points
 ↥ 133ArraysBasic Arrays 130 points
 ↥ 134ArraysBasic Arrays 240 points
 ↥ 135ArraysBasic Arrays 325 points
 ↥ 136ArraysLearn Java the Hard Way: Lowest Temperature (LowestTemperature)  - code provided50 points
 ↥    Records - 16 assignments, 1560 points
 ↥ 137RecordsLearn Java the Hard Way: Records (MailingAddresses)  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 138RecordsLearn Java the Hard Way: Records from a File (ActorList)  - code provided30 points
 ↥ 139RecordsLearn Java the Hard Way: An Array of Records (StudentDatabase)  - code provided60 points
 ↥ 140RecordsLearn Java the Hard Way: Array of Records from a File (Temperatures Revisited) (TemperaturesByDate)  - code provided90 points
 ↥ 141RecordsLearn Java the Hard Way: A Deck of Playing Cards (PickACard)  - code provided100 points
 ↥ 142RecordsLearn Java the Hard Way: Text Adventure Game (TextAdventureFinal)  - code provided200 points
 ↥ 143Miscellaneous☠ WARNING: Wild West Below! ☠0 points
 ↥    Projects - 6 assignments, 765 points
 ↥ 144ProjectsQuiz: Rect/Rekt45 points
 ↥    GUIs - 3 assignments, 55 points
 ↥ 145GUIsUsing Swing for Input  - code provided25 points
 ↥ 146GUIsA Boring Window  - code provided10 points
 ↥ 147GUIsA Frame with a Panel with Writing on It  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 148Random NumbersBaby Blackjack20 points
 ↥ 149ProjectsProject: Blackjack80-200 points
 ↥    Graphics - 25 assignments, 1060 points
 ↥ 150GraphicsGraphics Demo 1: Basics  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 151GraphicsGraphics Demo 2: Arcs and Custom Colors  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 152GraphicsGraphics Demo 3: Fonts and Lines  - code provided15 points
 ↥ 153GraphicsA Circle20 points
 ↥ 154GraphicsA Smiling Face40 points
 ↥ 155GraphicsA Clock Face50-70 points
 ↥ 156GraphicsGraphing Lines  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 157GraphicsGraphing Parabolas  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 158GraphicsGraphics Demo 4: Polygons  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 159GraphicsDrawing a Boring Triangle30 points
 ↥ 160GraphicsDrawing Random Triangles60 points
 ↥ 161GraphicsDrawing Random Right Triangles80-140 points
 ↥ 162GraphicsSierpinski Triangle150 points
 ↥ 163GraphicsBoxy 1  - code provided50 points
 ↥ 164GraphicsBoxy 2  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 165GraphicsBoxy 3  - code provided60 points
 ↥ 166GraphicsSmiling Face Function  - code provided80 points
 ↥ 167GraphicsForest and Trees  - code provided150 points
 ↥ 168GraphicsImage Demo - Showing Images on the Screen  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 169GraphicsMotivational Poster50-80 points
 ↥ 170FunctionsMonth Name60 points
 ↥ 171FunctionsMonth Offset60 points
 ↥ 172FunctionsWeekday Calculator90 points
 ↥ 173FunctionsFunction Call Alphabet90 points
 ↥ 174FunctionsFill-In Functions100 points
 ↥ 175FunctionsMore Fill-In Functions100 points
 ↥ 176FunctionsKeychains for Saleby Aaron Gadberry40 points
 ↥ 177FunctionsKeychains for Sale, for real this timeby Aaron Gadberry65 points
 ↥ 178FunctionsKeychains for Sale, real ultimate powerby Aaron Gadberry80 points
 ↥ 179FunctionsCalling Functions from Other Files40 points
 ↥ 180FunctionsEvenness Function60 points
 ↥ 181FunctionsFinding Prime Numbers85 points
 ↥ 182FunctionsDice with Functions50 points
 ↥ 183FunctionsA Lowercasing Display Function25 points
 ↥ 184Do-While LoopsBaby Calculator  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 185ProjectsProject: Calculator80-300 points
 ↥ 186ProjectsProject: Files and Nested Loops60-200 points
 ↥ 187ArraysCopying Arrays55 points
 ↥ 188ArraysGrades in an Array and a File90 points
 ↥ 189ArraysFinding a Value in an Array80 points
 ↥ 190ArraysHow Many Times?40 points
 ↥ 191ArraysIs It There or Not?85 points
 ↥ 192ArraysWhere Is It?90 points
 ↥ 193ArraysFinding the Largest Value in an Array100 points
 ↥ 194ArraysLocating the Largest Value in an Array110-130 points
 ↥ 195ArraysGiving an Array a Bunch of Values at Once  - code provided30 points
 ↥ 196ArraysParallel Arrays100 points
 ↥ 197ArraysTic-Tac-Toe  - code provided150 points
 ↥ 198ArraysHangman200 points
 ↥    Sorting - 11 assignments, 1000 points
 ↥ 199SortingMadLib Random  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 200SortingMovie Title Generator  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 201SortingPokéSwap  - code provided40 points
 ↥ 202SortingPokéTrader  - code provided30 points
 ↥ 203SortingPokéTrader 2  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 204SortingSorting an Array  - code provided100 points
 ↥ 205SortingExchange Sort  - code provided120 points
 ↥ 206SortingBubble Sort  - code provided130 points
 ↥ 207SortingSelection Sort  - code provided130 points
 ↥ 208ArraysPowerball200 points
 ↥ 209ArraysMatch Maker - Part 1180 points
 ↥ 210RecordsWeb Addresses Array  - code provided10 points
 ↥ 211RecordsAddress toString()  - code provided20 points
 ↥ 212RecordsBasic Records80 points
 ↥ 213RecordsA Little Database100 points
 ↥ 214RecordsA Little Database is shorter with a loop100 points
 ↥ 215RecordsGetting Data from a File120 points
 ↥ 216RecordsGetting More Data from a File140 points
 ↥ 217RecordsStoring Data in a File150 points
 ↥ 218RecordsReading What You Wrote160 points
 ↥ 219RecordsSorting an Array of Records160 points
 ↥ 220SortingSorting Strings150 points
 ↥ 221SortingSorting Records on Two Fields200 points
 ↥    OOP - 1 assignment, 100 points
 ↥ 222OOPA Tic-Tac-Toe Class  - code provided100 points
 ↥    ArrayLists - 14 assignments, 1165 points
 ↥ 223ArrayListsBasic ArrayLists 020 points
 ↥ 224ArrayListsBasic ArrayLists 130 points
 ↥ 225ArrayListsBasic ArrayLists 240 points
 ↥ 226ArrayListsBasic ArrayLists 325 points
 ↥ 227ArrayListsCopying ArrayLists55 points
 ↥ 228ArrayListsFinding a Value in an ArrayList80 points
 ↥ 229ArrayListsArrayList - There or Not?85 points
 ↥ 230ArrayListsArrayList - Where Is It?90 points
 ↥ 231ArrayListsGetting the Largest Value in an ArrayList100 points
 ↥ 232ArrayListsLocating the Largest Value in an ArrayList110 points
 ↥ 233ArrayListsSorting an ArrayList120 points
 ↥ 234ArrayListsSorting an ArrayList of Strings150 points
 ↥ 235ArrayListsSorting Sentences100 points
 ↥ 236ArrayListsSorting an ArrayList of Records160 points
 ↥ 237ProjectsProject: Address Book200-400 points
 ↥ 238ProjectsProject: Hearts300-500 points
 ↥ 239Project EulerProject Euler 001 - Sum Multiples of 3 or 520 points
 ↥ 240Project EulerProject Euler 002 - Sum Even Fibonacci Numbers40 points
 ↥ 241Project EulerProject Euler 003 - Largest Prime Factor of Big Number60 points
 ↥ 242Project EulerProject Euler 004 - Largest Palindromic Product70 points
 ↥ 243Project EulerProject Euler 005 - Smallest Divisible by 1-2050 points
 ↥ 244Project EulerProject Euler 006 - Sums of Squares Minus Squares of Sums50 points
 ↥ 245Project EulerProject Euler 007 - The 10001st Prime80 points
 ↥ 246Project EulerProject Euler 008 - Largest Product of Consecutive Digits100 points
 ↥ 247Project EulerProject Euler 009 - Pythagorean Triplet75 points
 ↥ 248Project EulerProject Euler 010 - Sum of Primes Under Two Million100 points
 ↥ 249Project EulerProject Euler 011 - Largest Product of 4 Numbers in Grid160 points
 ↥ 250Project EulerProject Euler 012 - First Triangle Number w/501 Divisors160 points
 ↥ 251Project EulerProject Euler 013 - Sum 100 Fifty-Digit Numbers80 points
 ↥ 252Project EulerProject Euler 014 - Longest Collatz Sequence150 points
 ↥ 253Project EulerProject Euler 015 - Routes Through a 20x20 Grid100 points
 ↥ 254Project EulerProject Euler 016 - Sum of the Digits of 2^100050 points
 ↥ 255Project EulerProject Euler 017 - Letters in One to One Thousand110 points
 ↥ 256Project EulerProject Euler 018 - Maximum Sum Path through Triangle160 points
 ↥ 257Project EulerProject Euler 019 - Sundays on the 1st of the Month50 points
 ↥ 258Project EulerProject Euler 020 - Sum of the Digits of 100!50 points
 ↥ 259GraphicsShapes Demo - Easily Drawing and Transforming Shapes  - code provided1 points
 ↥ 260GraphicsLast Clicked - Drawing Boxes Where You Clicked  - code provided1 points
 ↥ 261GraphicsNo Erasey - Making Stuff Stay on the Screen  - code provided1 points
 ↥ 262GraphicsDrag Location - Getting Drags instead of Clicks  - code provided1 points
 ↥ 263GraphicsDrawing Layers  - code provided1 points