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Archived news items from May 2004
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Monday, 31 May 2004 [21:44 CDT]

After today's activities, the following things are now clean: my sheets, my dishes, my desk, my kitchen table, my credenza, my toilet, my shower curtains, my counter tops and my conscience. I also paid my bills and informed my apartment that I'd be signing a lease for another year. Let's hear it for days off!

Monday, 31 May 2004 [18:12 CDT]

The last month or so of school is always hectic. Students are working on final projects, and then I have to grade them. I also have to create semester exams and grade them, too.

Anyway, I'm now done for the year. Thursday was the last day of classes, and Friday I had a teacher workday to finish everything up and get checked out. Due to the construction, we're kicked out of the building for the summer again, though since my room has already been renovated, I didn't have to pack anything up except personal belongings that I'll need access to over the summer.

I was done by 5:00 on Friday, and then had a couple of graduation parties to attend that evening. Saturday morning was graduation, then a nap in the afternoon, another party that evening, and Project Graduation that night. My "One man, one guitar" concert went well, and I got home by 3:00 A.M. and got a least a couple hours of sleep before having to get up for church.

After church yesterday a bunch of us went to see Shrek 2, which was very good. We'd seen Van Helsing a couple of weeks ago, and it was not nearly so good.

Last night I got some groceries for the first time in a couple of weeks, and slept in this morning. I've been cleaning house all day, since that had suffered, too.

I'd also gone to my friend Stephen's wedding last weekend, where I drove to and from Houston in a single day and found out that my tuxedo pants don't fit very well anymore. Otherwise, it was a good day, though.

It's a double-edged sword, this web page thing. Now that the summer is here I'll have more time to update. But, I'll probably be doing less, so there won't be as much to update about.

Sorry to keep you hanging for a month there. All I can say is, "Cheat Commandos, rock, rock on!". (And don't forget the cereal.)

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April 2004
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